
  • Donaldson, J. (2024). Heidrun Dorgeloh and Anja Wanner, Discourse syntax: English grammar beyond the sentence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv + 324. ISBN 9781108557542. English Language & Linguistics (FirstView), 1-5. [link]
  • Donaldson, J. (2021). Obligatory and arbitrary anaphoric control in adjuncts. In Proceedings of the LFG21 Conference, 93-103. Stanford: CSLI Publications. [pdf]


  • Gisborne, N., & Donaldson, J. (2019). Thematic Roles and Events. In R. Truswell (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Event Structure, 237-264. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link]
  • Truswell, R., Alcorn, R., Donaldson, J., & Wallenberg, J. (2017). A Parsed Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English. In R. Alcorn, J. Kopaczyk, B. Los & B. Molineaux (Eds.), Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age, 19-38. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [link]


  • Incremental Control in Participial Clauses. (2021-July-13). Talk given at the 26th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference.
  • A Parsed Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English. (2016-June-10). Joint talk given at the 2016 Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics Symposium with Rob Truswell and Rhona Alcorn.
  • People Don’t Talk That Way: Discourse Constraints and Usage Preferences. (2014-May-08). Talk given at the 2014 University of Edinburgh Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference.


  • Donaldson, J. (2021). Control in Free Adjuncts: The “Dangling Modifier” in English. University of Edinburgh PhD dissertation. [PDF]
  • Donaldson, J. (2013). On Elliptical Why-Fragments. University of Edinburgh MSc dissertation. [PDF]


  • Truswell, R., Alcorn, R., Donaldson, J., & Wallenberg, J. (2017). A Parsed Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English. 172,624-word parsed corpus. [GitHub]